Place of employment : Luxembourg
Domain : IT
Sub domain : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 10D1020-6329

Who we are

The Director-General for Innovation and Technological Support (DG ITEC) provides the European Parliament (EP) with information and communications technology (ICT) services as well as document production, printing and distribution services.

Through these services, we contribute to the mission of an institution that represents the heart of European democracy. Our ICT solutions help Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to exercise their democratic mandate and empower parliamentary staff to provide the efficient support Europe’s MEPs require. DG ITEC works to deliver solutions and services that support EP policy based on mobility, connectivity and interoperability.

There is currently an interesting traineeship offering in the Networks and Access Unit, section Telecom Cabling and Specific Projects Service (SPEPRO). This section is responsible of the management of special projects and the data-cabling infrastructure in Parliaments buildings, and is working closely together with the section Engineering for telecom network and access services (NETSERV), being responsible for the IT Service Infrastructure architecture and design.


Your tasks

Nowadays Parliament's buildings have a standard data-cabling infrastructure, providing connectivity to user-devices in the many, many offices in our premises. In parallel to this there is a WIFI- infrastructure for the mobile devices. Was this infrastructure set up in the past mainly to have users communication with central servers, and via these servers, with each other’s, nowadays we see more and more “none human” users asking for connectivity. Think about building management systems (sensors, control-panels, etc.) and all kind of IOT (Internet of Things) devices, spread over our buildings, having a need for connectivity. The question here is how the “final tail” (from device to nodal points in our buildings) of the future will look like?

We challenge you to scout the technical developments in this area and to project this on the future needs of the European Parliament. You will work in a team of highly skilled experts in order to:

  • Discover the EP working environment, technologies;
  • Investigate the scope of work;
  • Set-up and implement a progress monitoring and quality control plan for your activities;
  • Develop an execution plan, covering:
    • Investigation of current situation and way of working;
    • Study of future needs in the area of building communications infrastructure;
    • Study of market developments in this area;
    • Definition of a development plan for EP’s building communications infrastructure.


You are

  • Skilled in telecommunications network technology, with focus on the lower layers in the OSI-model;
  • Interested future development in the domain of intelligent office buildings and the communication needs resulting from it;
  • Good in analysing and problem solving capabilities;
  • Able to communicate orally and in writing in English and want to develop new language skills;
  • Capability to work independent as well as in a team; 
  • Motivated and appetite for new challenges;
  • Keen to be part of a team of ICT specialists in the European Parliament and work in a multicultural environment.


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3 people have already applied to this offer