Place of employment : Luxembourg
Domain : Multilingualism
Sub domain : Translation and Editing
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 07B29-6220

Who we are

The Directorate-General for Translation (DG TRAD) provides the European Parliament with translation services for its written or electronic communication in all official languages of the European Union.

Our mission is:

  • To make available in all official and working languages all documents relating to Parliament’s role as co-legislator and one of the two arms of the budgetary authority, in order to ensure the legitimacy and transparency of the legislative and budgetary process of the European Union;
  • To enable the European Parliament to meet its commitment to the policy of multilingualism, designed to ensure the equal treatment of languages and permitting all citizens of the European Union to communicate with the institutions and have access to the documents of those institutions in their own language;
  • To support the Members of the European Parliament and its administration in their multilingual communication with citizens by providing high-quality, modern, multilingual services in text, audio and video and ensuring that content is clear and in all the official languages of the EU;
  • To ensure that all these services are supplied as efficiently and effectively as possible.


Your tasks

As a translation trainee in the Slovene Translation Unit of the European Parliament, you will have the opportunity to translate into Slovene texts dealing with the different areas of activity of the European Union.

Translators in the translation units are organised in thematic groups. Each of those groups is assigned documents that mostly relate to the subjects dealt with by the group concerned. The range of topics about which you will be asked to translate might, therefore, be very varied, including texts of a political, budgetary, technical and/or administrative nature.

You will translate under the supervision of a translator-mentor, who will guide you, teach you the current translation workflows and procedures, and revise your translations as necessary. This will give you the opportunity to learn, to improve your translations and to benefit as much as possible from your traineeship.

Additionally, depending on the projects the Directorate-General is currently undertaking, you may also be asked to adapt or moderate texts in different formats, for example audio files, website content, etc.


You are

Kandidati za prevajalsko prakso naj imajo:

  • Odlično znanje slovenščine (enakovredno znanju maternega jezika);
  • Zelo dobro znanje angleščine in dobro znanje vsaj enega od drugih uradnih jezikov EU;
  • Sposobnosti za skupinsko delo in komunikacijske sposobnosti;
  • Izkušnje z orodji za računalniško podprto prevajanje, zlasti s programom SDL Studio 2015, ali interes, da se usposobijo za uporabo teh orodij.

Kandidate prosimo, da k prijavi priložijo:

  • Življenjepis v angleščini (po predlogi Europass);
  • Motivacijsko pismo v slovenščini, v katerem navedejo informacije o opravljenem izobraževanju in razloge za prijavo (do 400 besed);
  • Izpis ocen izpitov (indeks). Izpis ocen in motivacijsko pismo je treba oddati skupaj v eni datoteki (format pdf).


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