Place of employment : Copenhagen
Domain : Communication
Sub domain : Written and Online Press
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 04B25-6175

Who we are

The European Parliament stands for European democracy. The ultimate objective of the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) is to help connect it to people. This entails providing complete and impartial information to citizens and media about the European Parliament, and assisting Members in their communication activities. The Directorate-General for Communication strives to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time and in doing so, deliver world-class communication. We are committed communication professionals coming from various professional and academic backgrounds.

In Copenhagen, we are a well-functioning team, who work with creating awareness about the work of the European Parliament and its 15 Danish members. We do everything from assisting media and citizens who search for knowledge about the European Parliament, to arranging seminars, conferences and briefings. We work closely with other EU institutions and a number of NGOs and public institutions in Denmark and abroad.

About us: 


Your tasks

You will take part in the activities of the office in Copenhagen, explaining and communicating the work of the European Parliament to the Danish public. You will try out many different press and communication tasks and formats – from newsletters, op-eds and articles to social media posts and pitching of stories to various media.

You will become an integrated part of the team that plans and executes the activities of the office on many different platforms on a daily basis, which requires knowing what it takes to create engaging texts and content. Regular tasks will include drafting our newsletter as well as writing articles for our website.

The traineeship will give you experience in working in an international organisation and an opportunity to enhance your knowledge about EU politics. Our dynamic way of working means that you participate actively in shaping your traineeship according to your own interests, personality and professional goals.

See more about what we do on social media here:


You are

Du er motiveret, arbejdsom, har team-spirit og mod på at påtage dig mange forskellige opgaver. Du behøver ikke at være EU-ekspert, men vi forventer, at du interesserer dig for EU og har kendskab til EU's institutioner.

Du skal som minimum have afsluttet en bacheloruddannelse, gerne med fokus på journalistik og/eller kommunikation. Det er vigtigt, at du er god til at formidle kompliceret stof på forståelig vis. Du taler og skriver flydende dansk og engelsk. Vi sætter selvfølgelig pris på humoristisk sans og et godt humør.

Din ansøgning må meget gerne være skrevet på dansk.


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