Place of employment : Luxembourg
Domain : IT
Sub domain : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 10A3010-6350

Who we are

The Directorate - General for Innovation and Technological Support (DG ITEC) provides the European Parliament (EP) with information and communications technology (ICT) services as well as document production, printing and distribution services.

Within the Legislative IT Systems Unit (LEGIT) the META4LEG team in between others tasks catalogues and models the process and workflows of data and their related legislative business rules. META4LEG also realises legislative data analyses following requests to update some circuits, to change some procedure rules or under request of a business actor (from plenary, committees or delegations business side). The team is invested in several inter-institutional projects about data and formats (Akoma Ntoso).


Your tasks

The trainee will notably participate in the systematic cataloguing of metadata and its translation in ontologies, together with elaborating some taxonomies for the open data portal.


You are

  • The trainee will have ideally done some studies in IT related to data or as librarian studies;
  • Language requirements: English.


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2 people have already applied to this offer