Place of employment : Luxembourg
Domain : Administration
Sub domain : Other
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 06C30-6299

Who we are

The Directorate-General for Infrastructure and Logistics (DG INLO) contributes to the effective technical and administrative management of infrastructure and logistics (catering, mail, removals, furniture, transport, etc.) within and between the Parliament's workplaces. Our DG is also responsible for managing the equipment and services necessary for the functionality of these buildings. Through their efforts, the staff of DG INLO provides essential support for the European Parliament's political activities. The public budget assigned for these tasks is spent by public procurement, according to the Financial Regulation applicable to the European Union's budget.

The Ex-ante Control and Public Procurement Coordination Unit is a horizontal service, charged, among others, with the verification and coordination of these public procurement procedures.  The subject of these procedures varies widely from building maintenance, cleaning and architectural/engineering services through catering, car leasing to building works.


Your tasks

Sustainability aspects, such as environment and social responsibility are becoming more and more important in the field of public procurement. Based on the EP corporate strategy, DG INLO applies an ambitious approach to make its procurement green and socially responsible. To that end, various tools are put in place, such as guidance, KPIs and recommendations to include sustainability criteria in the procurement documents.

Your tasks will include an analysis of current practices and their impact, as well as drafting recommendations to enforce due diligence in this field.


You are

  • The ideal candidate has a legal or economic background, with some knowledge in public procurement and in environmental and social policies of the European Union;
  • The mission requires strong analytical skills, out of the box thinking and a very good initiative;
  • A good command of English or French is required.


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3 people have already applied to this offer