Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Administration
Sub domain : Document management/Archiving
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 01F10-6268

Who we are

As a trainee in the Directorate-General for the Presidency (DG PRES), you will be part of a DG, which has a crucial role in a wide spectrum of the European Parliament's (EP) activities.

Our DG is involved in the legislative process from the very beginning, when the legislative initiatives are submitted to the EP, and throughout the process, during which our lawyer linguists ensure the quality of the legislative texts, accompanying members and committees in their work. We are in charge of the organisation and documentation of the plenary sessions, and also deal with the relations with other EU institutions and national parliaments.

Furthermore, our DG provides services to the members, regarding both administrative matters and their political activity, such as parliamentary questions to the other institutions.

We are also at the service of citizens and the public, dealing with public access to documents and relations with interest representatives, and are responsible for the official mail of the President and the Secretary General. The EP's protocol service, dealing with, among other things, the reception of visiting dignitaries and delegations and the preparation of visits outside Parliament by the President and the main EP bodies, is also part of our DG.

The Official Mail Unit is a central and multilingual department which receives and dispatches mail sent to the institution and registers official mail sent to (and sent by) the President and the Secretary-General in a database for follow-up by the various departments. The Official Mail Unit is a dynamic department that has recently innovated its processes.


Your tasks

You will play a central role in the official mail registration process. In this context, you will have the opportunity to be part of a multicultural collective and to work in several languages. You will participate in service meetings and be immersed in the life of the Official Mail Unit. Your activities will be of a varied nature in the different sectors of the unit. These are the tasks to be carried out:

  • Understanding the flow of mail processing by participating in the activity of all sectors;
  • Scanning and archiving of official documents, preparing official mail for Cabinets;
  • Registration of incoming and outgoing official mail in the European Parliament database, assigning letters to the relevant services;
  • Participation in activities organised for trainees by the European Parliament;
  • Participation in a Strasbourg session to understand the progress of a plenary session and the activities of the Official Mail Unit on site;
  • Possibly, participation in a specific project during the duration of the traineeship.


You are

The successful candidate must be flexible, creative, synthetic and punctual. He/she must be a versatile person and must have a good knowledge of office tools, be comfortable with client contact, and demonstrate team spirit. Very good knowledge of French and English is required and knowledge of other official languages is an asset. Experience in the field of document management and archiving will be an asset as well.


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