Place of employment : Brussels
Sub domain : Taxation
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 02A60-6248

Who we are

The Directorate General for Internal Policies of the Union (DG IPOL) is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees dealing with internal policies and for assisting Members in the exercise of the legislative, budgetary and oversight powers conferred upon the European Parliament.

Within this DG, four Policy Departments provide parliamentary committees with the expertise required for evidence-based policymaking. Their secretariats produce fact sheets on the European Union, as well as notes, briefings, analyses and studies, either in-house or through public procurement procedures. Events such as workshops and study presentations where external experts meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and staff are part of our activities.

In this role, Policy Department A on Scientific, Economic and Quality of Life Policies covers the fields of economic, science and quality of life policies, supporting the work of five  committees (Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection) as well as two subcommittees (Subcommittee on Taxation, Subcommittee on Public Health) by providing high-quality expertise, up-to-date analysis and independent research.


Your tasks

This post focuses on tax matters (linked to the FISC Subcommittee).

Your main tasks would be to:

  • Research facts and analyse policies in the fields of taxation (including, sometimes, the area of anti-money laundering);
  • Contribute to briefing papers for missions of Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) Members to countries inside and outside the EU;
  • Contribute to other briefing papers relating to the policy area of the FISC Subcommittee;
  • Follow (sub-)committee meetings and related conferences;
  • Update relevant Fact Sheets;
  • Assist with expertise in workshops and presentations;
  • Assist in reviewing new research before publication;
  • Assist in the work relating to other policy fields dealt with by the Policy Department, as required.


You are

  • You are a university graduate with sound knowledge of the European institutions, the European Union's policies and the EU legislative procedures;
  • You have a strong interest in all aspects of taxation and in general in our area of activity;
  • Your competencies include the ability to analyse, manage and organise information;
  • You have very good writing and problem-solving skills;
  • You are meticulous and have an eye for detail;
  • You can work as part of a team and possess interpersonal skills;
  • You are able to draft in English to a high standard;
  • You are fully versed in the use of Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Powerpoint). 


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