Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Communication
Sub domain : Public Relations
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 04B24-6173

Who we are

The European Parliament (EP) stands for European democracy. We help connect it to people. 

This entails providing complete and impartial information to citizens and media about the European Parliament, and assisting Members in their communication activities. The Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) strives to reach and engage the right audience with the right message at the right time and in doing so, deliver world-class communication. We are committed communication professionals coming from various professional and academic backgrounds.

The Liaison Office of the European Parliament ensures the institutional communication of the EP in Belgium. In doing so, it forms the bridge between the institution and the Belgian citizens. By using media relations, social media communication and (virtual) events we attempt to bring the Parliament and citizens closers to each other. We have close contact with the Belgian Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and help them with the communication of their activities towards the Belgian audience.


Your tasks

A traineeship at our unit will offer you the chance to deepen your knowledge on the EP activities and broaden your communication skills.

You will have some everyday tasks like creating social media content (f.e. editorial work, visual design, creating and editing video content), preparing communications for journalists, supporting at events with citizens and will get some interesting projects where we give you the lead to develop a communication strategy/campaign.

You will get the opportunity to meet Belgian MEPs, go to Strasbourg, do interviews, work with external actors to increase citizen’s participation all within the framework of strengthening the European democracy.


You are

  • We are looking for someone who is flexible and can take on several projects at the same time;
  • An experience with social media and interest in European politics is required;
  • You have a perfect command of Dutch and knowledge of French is a plus;
  • Furthermore, we encourage trainees to take initiatives and be very proactive.

If you are creative, are eager to work in the centre of European politics and have a good set of communication skills, we will be a match! 


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2 people have already applied to this offer