Place of employment : Vilnius
Domain : Communication
Sub domain : Public Relations
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 04B43-6129

Who we are

The European Parliament stands for European democracy.

The ultimate objective of the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) is to help connect it to people. This entails providing complete and impartial information to citizens and media about the European Parliament, and assisting Members in their communication activities. We strive to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time and in doing so, deliver world-class communication. We are committed communication professionals coming from various professional and academic backgrounds.

The European Parliament Liaison Office in Lithuania (EPLO) is part of the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM). We are a team of 7 permanent employees whose main task is to present the work of the European Parliament to the Lithuanian society through activities targeted at youth, general public, stakeholders and multipliers.

To do so efficiently, EPLO organises seminars and workshops, study visits and conferences, communicates via the social media and internet, maintains close relations with the media and implements various other projects. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, part of the work is done remotely and many activities have moved online or turned hybrid. The work of potential trainees will be very diverse and will include tasks ranging from basic and easy to creative and complex.


Your tasks

You will definitely be asked to do some or all of the following:

  • Assistance and participation at various stages of projects organised by the European Parliament Liaison Office (from brainstorming of ideas, to planning specific actions and tendering, to monitoring the implementation and reporting);
  • Logistical assistance for various activities (for live events it normally includes preparing lists of participants, getting conference halls ready, i.e. bringing and setting up chairs and desks, preparing hand-outs, registering participants, etc.);
  • Information research, review and drafting summaries on various topics;
  • Drafting administrative and communication texts (including those for internet and social media), posting of content on social media and online.

Trainees are always welcome to come up with their own initiatives, which may contribute to the overall targets of the EPLO. Projects initiated by our previous trainees include educational activities for kindergarteners at the Information Centre or a set of videos describing different stages of applications for traineeships at the European Parliament and the like.


You are

  • Interested in topics related to the European Union;
  • Organised, responsible and adapt easily to various tasks;
  • Fluent in Lithuanian - very good writing, text-editing skills would be an asset;
  • Fluent in English or French;
  • Never afraid to ask for more information or explanations, if you feel lost.

Previous experience in event organisation, volunteering at events, communication with the media or on social media would be an asset. Skills in video and image editing and production would come in handy, too, but are not obligatory.

And now something in Lithuanian:

Kadangi šiam darbui ieškome žmonių, mokančių įdomiai ir taisyklingai rašyti lietuviškai, motyvacinį laišką šiam postui prašome pateikti lietuvių kalba. O kadangi mums svarbu, kad būsimi stažuotojai domėtųsi ES aktualijomis, motyvaciniame laiške būtina atsakyti į žemiau esantį klausimą: Turite laisvę įgyvendinti rinkimų komunikacijos kampaniją (vadinamąją "go to vote campaign"). Kokius tris komponentus / kanalus / klausimus būtinai panaudosite siekdami pritraukti jaunus rinkėjus? Sėkmės!


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