Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Communication
Sub domain : Written and Online Press
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 04A-6113

Who we are

The European Parliament stands for European democracy. We help connect it to people.

This entails providing complete and impartial information to citizens and media about the European Parliament, and assisting Members in their communication activities. 

The Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) strives to reach and engage the right audience with the right message at the right time and in doing so, deliver world-class communication. We are committed communication professionals coming from various professional and academic backgrounds.

The Directorate for Media is in charge of informing its target audience (media professionals in Brussels and in the Member States) about Parliament’s activities in an accurate, trustworthy and timely manner, with the aim of ensuring the widest possible media coverage of parliamentary activities. 

The Directorate is also responsible for the media infrastructure in the Parliament buildings, e.g. the press working areas in Brussels and Strasbourg, the press conference rooms and the audiovisual facilities. It maintains the press pages of the Europarl website and is active on social media (mainly X) where it informs media of Parliament's role and activities. Our services also coordinate the work of the press officers in the Member States, organise seminars and webinars for journalists, and monitor and analyse the media.

The team of the Directorate is led by the Director for Media and is composed of a secretariat, a financial service and an operational cell.  It supports and coordinates projects of four units: the Audiovisual Unit, the Media Intelligence Unit, the Media Services Unit and the Press Unit.

As part of Parliament's commitment to honoring journalists who were killed during the exercise of their work, the Directorate for Media offers its Schuman traineeships in memory of Ján Kuciak, the Slovakian investigative journalist who was murdered in February 2018.


Your tasks

You will assist the Directorate team and its Units when needed.

Your responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

  • Assist in the preparation of files for the Director and in the implementation of projects at Directorate level;
  • Gather and analyse information coming from the four units of the Directorate;
  • Collaborate in Internal communication products, namely the Directorate’s Newsletter;
  • Draw up summaries of pieces of legislation (both adopted and in the pipeline);
  • Assist with the preparation of media monitoring and media impact products aimed at analysing of the presence of the Parliament and its Members in the media;
  • Collaborate in the organisation of seminars and other media-related events;
  • Draft documents for meetings, projects, and other actions led by the Directorate.


You are

Your profile:

  • You have a degree in communication, journalism, digital media and/or political studies, and you are familiar with the work of the European Parliament;
  • You have excellent written communication skills in English;
  • You have a good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as good skills with social media networks;
  • You have some knowledge of graphic design tools such as Canva or InDesign;
  • You display a positive and enthusiastic attitude and enjoy working in a multicultural environment;
  • You are a team player who can assist others when necessary and who can work independently.


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