Place of employment : Madrid
Domain : Communication
Sub domain : Written and Online Press
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 04B33-6102

Who we are

The European Parliament stands for democracy. We help connect it to people.  

This entails providing complete and impartial information to citizens and media about the European Parliament, and assisting Members in their communication activities. 

The Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) strives to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time and in doing so, deliver world-class communication. We are committed communication professionals coming from various professional and academic backgrounds.

The Directorate for Liaison Offices is DG Communication's front line in the Member States. The Offices connect to citizens across the European Union, engaging with their concerns, understanding their cultures and speaking their languages, in order to make that vital connection between the European Parliament and the diverse local realities it represents. Offices are playing a crucial role in spreading the knowledge of what the European Parliament is working on and has achieved as well as engaging with citizens and various stakeholders.


Your tasks

The main work of the European Parliament Liaison Office is related to three big areas: communication and social media, events and political insight. Therefore, the main tasks that would be asked of the trainees would be related to:

  • Drafting of press releases;
  • Organisation of communication events, seminars or conferences;
  • Managing administrative processes to help journalists cover these events or other happenings on central level (Brussels or Strasbourg);
  • Drafting briefings and insights on the political life of the house as well as monitoring and analysing European Parliament news and relevant developments for the EU.


You are

Un profesional titulado en Periodismo, con especializaciones o interés en asuntos europeos y Relaciones Internacionales, buenas dotes comunicativas y de redacción de informes, actitud dinámica y flexible y sentido del trabajo en equipo.

Se valorará positivamente experiencia profesional previa y el conocimiento de nuevas tecnologías respecto a edición, redes sociales, etc.


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