Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Law
Sub domain : European Law
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : SJA10-6010

Who we are

Tasks of the Legal Service:

  • To provide legal advice to the Institution, its organs and its General Secretariat and represent it in litigation proceedings before the Courts of the European Union as well as national courts.

Description of the Institutional and Budgetary Law Unit:

  • The Unit provides legal support to three of the European Parliament’s standing committees, namely the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), the Committee on Budgets (BUDG) and the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT). It is called upon to give legal advice on constitutional affairs, horizontal institutional questions and legal issues concerning the EU's public finances (including the multiannual financial framework (MFF), own resources, the annual budgetary procedure, discharge, borrowing and lending, and budget conditionality).
  • By joining our unit, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in institutional and legislative work of the EU and to observe and contribute to the elaboration and negotiation of EU acts that have a major impact on our daily lives. In addition, you will have the opportunity to be involved in the handling of litigation cases within the unit’s responsibility and to attend a hearing before the EU Court of Justice.


Your tasks

Description of tasks entrusted to trainees:

  • Assisting lawyers and the Head of Unit by:
    • undertaking research work (doctrine, jurisprudence);
    • preparing files (documentation, analysis).
  • Attending parliamentary committee meetings in Brussels and a plenary session in Strasbourg;
  • Reporting on various meetings;
  • Attending a hearing before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg;
  • Any other task relating to the daily work of the unit’s lawyers.

Place of work: BRUSSELS


You are

Selection criteria:

  • Law Degree - preferably Master 2
  • Language skills: English and French


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7 people have already applied to this offer