Place of employment : Brussels
Sub domain : External Policies
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 03B40-6002

Who we are

The Directorate-General for External Policies is made up of four directorates: Committees, Regions (covering interparliamentary delegations), Resources and Democracy Support.  

Staff of DG EXPO form a European team of advisers supporting the European Parliament's President and political bodies in their work on the EU's external policies. Colleagues in DG EXPO provide advice on matters of substance and procedure, liaise with other EU institutions and manage resources. The focus is on legislation, parliamentary oversight of the European Commission and EEAS, and support for parliamentary democracy. Most of the work is done in Brussels.

The core responsibility of the Euro-Med & Middle-East Unit is to ensure the efficient administration of the eight Delegations (DARP, DIQ, DIL, DIR, DMAG, DMAS, DMED and DPAL) and of the European Parliament's responsibilities within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA UfM), which grew out of the 1995 Barcelona Declaration linking the EU and Mediterranean countries. Additionally, the colleagues in the unit act as Desk Officers for their respective country/region and coordinate the Policy Communities for the Maghreb, the Levant and the Persian Gulf.

The Euro-Med and Middle East Unit assists the European Parliament's delegations to the Mediterranean and the Gulf regions within the Directorate general. The colleagues working in the unit organise meetings and travels, draft briefings, provide internal expertise, and liaise with the Foreign Affairs Committee and other political bodies. Four of the delegations supported by the unit are bilateral, interacting with a single interlocutor: Iraq, Israel and Palestine, Iran. Another three work with regions: the Maghreb, the Mashreq and the Arab peninsula. The delegation for relations with the Arab peninsula interacts with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and the delegation to the Maghreb has met with the Arab Maghreb Union. The unit also supports the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA UfM), including by organising the Assembly's meetings. The President of the European parliament chairs the Assembly.


Your tasks

The work will mainly consist in supporting the Desk Officers and the activities of the EP’s standing Delegations dealing with the Mediterranean and Middle East (DMAG, DIL, DPAL, DMAS, DIQ, DARP, DMED, D-IR), with emphasis on DMED, the EP delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA UfM). On the latter, support for the ordinary DMED meetings and for PA UfM activities.

Although you will work most closely with your supervisor and their geographic area, you will be asked to work on tasks covering other countries in the MENA region. Your specific tasks are likely to include helping to monitor the latest developments in the region, carry out research, analyse data and write contributions to briefings. 

Throughout your traineeship, you will have the opportunity to attend a wide range of meetings and events concerning the MENA region, producing notes that will be of use to colleagues in the Unit. You may also be asked to help with the organisation of events, such as meetings or policy hubs.


You are

  • Excellent English drafting/communication skills (research/academic background would be an asset);
  • Good command of French and/or some knowledge of Arabic would be an asset;
  • Good knowledge of the countries of the Euromed Partnership as well as Middle-East countries falling under the remit of the unit,
  • A good knowledge of EU external policy and recent developments;
  • General knowledge of the structure and powers of the European Parliament;
  • Ability to plan your work, meet deadlines and work under pressure;
  • Ability to manage and organise information;
  • A team player with a diplomatic manner and excellent interpersonal skills.


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