Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Administration
Sub domain : Public Administration
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 11C60-5953

Who we are

The European Parliament's Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) provides comprehensive research and analytical support to the Members of the European Parliament, its parliamentary committees and the European Parliament as a whole. The EPRS philosophy is to provide independent, objective and authoritative information. More than 300 staff work in the DG's 25 units and services.  

More information about EPRS is available here:

 Why choose a traineeship at DG EPRS?   

'Empowering through knowledge' is the guiding principle of EPRS. As an EPRS trainee, you will be exposed to the core of the research and analysis process in the European Parliament. Surrounded by colleagues working on publications covering a wide range of EU policies, you will gain detailed knowledge of the EP's workings while honing your skills in your specific topic of interest. If you choose a traineeship in one of EPRS's library units, you will help the parliamentary community find the resources they need for their work.   

The European Council Oversight Unit monitors and analyses the delivery of the European Council in respect of the commitments made in the conclusions of its meetings, as well as of its various responsibilities either in law or on the basis of intergovernmental agreements. It maintains a Rolling Check-list of all such commitments and prepares briefings ahead of and after European Council meetings. It also undertakes detailed research on various aspects of European Council work and activities.


Your tasks

You will support the small team by

  • Carrying out research and contributing to publications, following debates in the plenary and committee meetings;
  • Collecting and collating statements of the Members of the European Council, supporting the team in its outreach to newly elected Members;
  • Supporting the unit in organising events.


You are

  • You are a good team player, dynamic, committed and motivated.


Apply online
1 people have already applied to this offer