Place of employment : Brussels
Sub domain : Budget
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 11A0020-5934

Who we are

The European Parliament's Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) provides comprehensive research and analytical support to the Members of the European Parliament, its parliamentary committees and the European Parliament as a whole. The EPRS philosophy is to provide independent, objective and authoritative information. More than 300 staff work in the DG's 25 units and services.  

More information about EPRS is available here:

Why choose a traineeship at DG EPRS?   

'Empowering through knowledge' is the guiding principle of EPRS. As an EPRS trainee, you will be exposed to the core of the research and analysis process in the European Parliament. Surrounded by colleagues working on publications covering a wide range of EU policies, you will gain detailed knowledge of the EP's workings while honing your skills in your specific topic of interest. If you choose a traineeship in one of EPRS's library units, you will help the parliamentary community find the resources they need for their work.   

The Next Generation EU Monitoring Service is part of the Members' Research Service in DG EPRS. We carry out research and analysis on the implementation of the Next Generation EU recovery instrument, notably its Recovery and Resilience Facility and the delivery of national plans. We respond directly to individual requests for support from Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff, we pro-actively write briefings and research notes on EU policies and legislative files, and we have developed and regularly update a web platform on the recovery instrument.          

A traineeship at the Members' Research Service will allow you to deepen your specialised knowledge of EU policies and learn more about how MEPs carry out their functions.


Your tasks

  •  Assist with the information and research activities of the unit;
  • Support the team members in their specialised work, e.g. by responding to research requests from MEPs, helping to draft publications (briefing notes, infographics and other items), and contributing to the development and update of a web platform on the Next Generation EU recovery instrument; 
  •  Assist where required with meeting and event organisation and planning. 


You are

We are looking for highly numerate candidates who have strong research and drafting skills - our trainees should be able to process complex information and present it in a structured, accurate and user-friendly manner.

  • Data visualisation skills would be a plus;         
  • It is not essential to have an in-depth knowledge of the policy areas covered by the unit, but relevant academic, research or work experience in these areas would be an advantage; 
  • We deal with a wide variety of requests from MEPs - each one is different. Therefore, it is important to be 'customer focused' and committed to meeting the specific needs in each individual case;
  • Flexibility, reliability and the capacity for team work are also very important.


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