Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Law
Sub domain : Lawyer-linguist
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 01B-5908

Who we are

As a trainee in the Directorate-General for the Presidency (DG PRES), you will be part of a DG, which has a crucial role in a wide spectrum of the European Parliament's (EP) activities. Our DG is involved in the legislative process from the very beginning, when the legislative initiatives are submitted to the EP, and throughout the process, during which our lawyer linguists ensure the quality of the legislative texts, accompanying members and committees in their work. We are in charge of the organisation and documentation of the plenary sessions, and also deal with the relations with other EU institutions and national parliaments.

Furthermore, our DG provides services to the members, regarding both administrative matters and their political activity, such as parliamentary questions to the other institutions. We are also at the service of citizens and the public, dealing with public access to documents and relations with interest representatives, and are responsible for the official mail of the President and the Secretary General. The EP's protocol service, dealing with, among other things, the reception of visiting dignitaries and delegations and the preparation of visits outside Parliament by the President and the main EP bodies, is also part of our DG.

The present traineeship offer has been issued by the Directorate for Legislative Acts (DLA).

The DLA is a unique service within DG Presidency that deals primarily with proposals for legislative acts made by the Commission, from the moment the Commission refers  them to the European Parliament and until they are sent to the publication in the Official Journal.

With more than 80 lawyer-linguists, representing all 24 official languages of the Union, our mission is to ensure at all stages of the parliamentary procedure the highest possible quality of legislative acts (i.e. Regulations, Directives and Decisions) in all languages, as well as the consistency between all language versions of those texts.

Our core activities are the legal-linguistic finalisation of draft legislative acts and the provision of drafting and procedural assistance to Members of the European Parliament and to parliamentary committees. We value team work, openness and mutual respect, and pride ourselves with the generally recognised high quality and professionalism of our work.

Important notice for applicants:

Please note that the DLA has issued six traineeship offers (posts A to F). The six applicants who will be recruited as trainees in the DLA will be assigned to six different language teams (according to their main language). If you wish to be considered for the position of a trainee in the DLA, it is enough to apply for only one of the six offers available. Your application will be duly examined during the selection stage. Applying for more DLA offers at the same time would limit your possibility to apply for traineeship offers in other Directorates-General of the Parliament (according to the rules on Schuman traineeships in the European Parliament, you have the possibility to apply for maximum three traineeship offers).


Your tasks

As a trainee in the DLA, you will become a member of one of our 24 language teams (according to your main language) and you will actively participate in the following DLA core activities:

  • Legal-linguistic finalisation of legislative acts adopted by Parliament and the Council through the ordinary legislative procedure;
  • Examination of Commission proposals, attendance of parliamentary committee meetings, attendance of file-related internal meetings and provision of assistance to your supervisor when responding to legislative drafting requests from Members of Parliament or from parliamentary committees;
  • Preparation and publication of all texts adopted by Parliament during its Plenary sessions.


You are

Applicants for traineeships in the DLA should meet the following requirements:

  • Having complete university studies in the law of a Member State;
  • Having a very thorough knowledge of one official language of the Union and a very good knowledge of other two official languages of the Union, out of which one must be English at level C1. (Note: The original or reference versions of the documents handled by the DLA are drafted almost entirely in English and are used as a basis for legal-linguistic revision in the other languages.);
  • Having a very good knowledge of EU law.

No professional experience is required.


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2 people have already applied to this offer