Place of employment : Brussels
Sub domain : Economic and Monetary Policy
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 02A20-6261

Who we are

The Directorate General for Internal Policies of the Union (DG IPOL) is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees dealing with internal policies and for assisting Members in the exercise of the legislative, budgetary and oversight powers conferred upon the European Parliament.

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) is responsible for the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), the regulation of financial services, the free movement of capital and payments, taxation and competition policies, and the international financial system.

The ECON Committee played a decisive role in the adoption of legislation responding to the economic and financial crisis. Over the past years ECON focussed on measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility. ECON also deals with the economic governance of the euro area, and the completion of the Banking Union and the Capital Markets Union. Through different Working Groups, topics such as FinTech, access to finance for SMEs and euro-area enlargement are closely followed. ECON also contributes to the EU’s sustainability agenda, in the context of green finance.

In addition to their role as a co-legislator, Members of the Committee actively participate in the scrutiny of the executive, for example in the framework of the European Semester, as regards the Banking Union and in the area of delegated acts in the field of financial services. In the context of the accountability of the European Central Bank vis-à-vis the Parliament, ECON holds regular monetary dialogues with the European Central Bank (ECB) President.

Our committee secretariat is responsible for assisting the committee chair with the organisation of the committee's activities; assisting the rapporteurs with all aspects of the drafting and adoption of and follow-up to the reports or opinions for which they are responsible; and assisting other committee members in carrying out their committee duties.

As you will gather from the description above, we are a very busy committee secretariat, hard-working, but also with a good team spirit and competent and friendly colleagues.


Your tasks

You will assist administrators in the research and preparation of files; contribute to working documents, draft reports/opinions and voting lists; participate in committee meetings; participate in the organisation of events (e.g. hearings, delegations, workshops).

More specifically, this could mean to assist your supervisor and other colleagues of the secretariat in preparing feedback notes and minutes for committee or other meetings and hearings; to provide background information and analysis in various fields.

Your tasks could also include writing briefings or preparing chair's notes on various issues ranging from resolutions to relevant debates; comparing legislative texts; attending committee meetings, hearings, workshops, open coordinators' meetings in Strasbourg and Brussels and events outside the EP.


You are

  • You are recently graduated with sound knowledge of the European institutions, the European Union’s policies and the EU legislative procedures;
  • You have a strong interest in economic and monetary affairs and in general in our areas of activity;
  • You are familiar with the usual IT applications;
  • Your competencies include the ability to analyse, manage and organise information; 
  • You have very good writing and problem-solving skills;
  • You can work as part of a team and possess interpersonal skills;
  • Knowledge in the field of macroeconomics would be an asset;
  • A very good command of English is required as it is the main working language.


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