Place of employment : Brussels
Domain : Law
Sub domain : Fundamental Rights and Citizenship
Starting date : 01/03/2025 (5 months)
Ref. : 02C60-6233

Who we are

The Directorate General for Internal Policies of the Union (DG IPOL) is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees dealing with internal policies and for assisting Members in the exercise of the legislative, budgetary and oversight powers conferred upon the European Parliament.

Inside IPOL, Policy departments are research units responsible for providing —both in-house and external— high-level independent expertise, analysis and policy advice at the request of committees Coordinators, as well as other parliamentary bodies (delegations, President, Bureau, Secretary-General). The policy departments also draft the Fact Sheets on the EU, which provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs (PolDep C) provides in-house and external expertise to support 5 EP committees (the Committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Legal Affairs (JURI), Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM), Petitions (PETI)), the President’s Cabinet and other parliamentary bodies in shaping legislation and exercising democratic scrutiny over EU internal policies.

PolDep C has close and regular contacts with those parliamentary committees and provides tailor made solutions serving the needs of rapporteurs, project teams, working groups or parliamentary delegations. It coordinates expertise products (e.g. studies or briefings) requested by Coordinators and feeds directly into the legislative and political work of the Parliament.


Your tasks

In PolDep C you will be able to gain valuable insights into how the Parliament and its committees work.

  • You will be mostly assigned to the LIBE/FEMM/PETI teams;
  • You will be able to work across all the Policy Departments’ activities e.g. by assisting to the administrators in research and preparation of briefing notes and studies;
  • You will edit and proof-read briefings and studies, update factsheets, participate in Committee meetings and attend EP internal and external events.


You are

  • Someone with a sound knowledge of how the EU functions, curious to learn how Parliament engages and works;
  • Quick to grasp new procedures and tasks;
  • A team player who is proactive and comfortable working both on your own initiative and also with other colleagues, and keen to learn from their varied backgrounds and experiences;
  • Proficient in working with Microsoft Office applications;
  • Excellent in drafting in English both written and verbal.

You have:

  • Studied law or political science and any knowledge or experience related to the LIBE/FEMM/PETI Committees would be an asset;
  • Good organisational skills and you can meet strict deadlines.



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